Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Kind of a High School Reunion 2011

I don't know why but I find myself wanting to be part of something significant or at least novel, like having my watch stop ticking as I'm looking at it. Or being in a plane crash. Yeah, that's morbid, but how many people get to be part of plane crashes? Not that many in the entirety of history. I'm not saying that when I get on a plane I root for it to go down, I'm just saying it would be neat to be part of history. It's the same thing as rooting for dynasties in sports. Kind of. Don't you agree?  Probably not. Maybe I need more emotion in my life.


Friday. How did I go about making my Friday blogworthy, or at least for this blog where the standard is not much higher than simply leaving the house? Using my Living Social coupon for Kaz Sushi Bistro that was to expire soon that's how. Delicious. Not much more than that though other than when the sushi stopped making me full we drove to Wendys because we were feeling pretty uncreative in terms of satiating our late night hunger.

Why the lame Friday? Do you remember how I told you a little while back in the summer that my favorite Premier League team is Everton? Well they were on TV Saturday morning playing my roommate's favorite team, Manchester City. So we decided to get up early (10am) and watch the recorded version of it and I needed to get to bed early for this. I don't get much sleep because of having to get to work in the AM but when I get the chance I will sleep way past what is normal, so if I was to get up for the game I had to offset some sleep elsewhere. Makes sense, right? Yeah, I know, I could just get to bed earlier during the week to save up time to not sleep on the weekend. I've heard that one before 123120981 times. But oh hey let me introduce myself to you: I am Jeff. I have very little will power and an odd need to be like the last one up. I think it has to do with not wanting to miss out. My house is pretty much the center of my social universe so if I didn't socialize there, well, I would probably get a lot more sleep.

And I had big plans for Saturday. After the soccer game there was lunch at DC Veg Fest 2011. This was a vegetarian festival down at George Washington University. You know, sometimes I am a vegetarian (but who isn't, right? i mean there has to have been an instance when you weren't eating meat), so I wanted to immerse myself in the veggie vibe at the Veg Fest hoping someone would tell me/I would read/hear something so eye-opening that I would kick my vegetarian tendencies into irreversible overdrive.

So we get off at a metro stop far away, because the metro is always under construction and inconvenient on the weekend, and walk to Foggy Bottom. This was a less than optimal situation at first. Next thing you know we are walking by the World Bank and IMF and I am realizing I have never set foot in one of the more popular areas of the city. Not sure how that happened that I had never been there before. But now I can say I have been there and that's what counts, right (see first paragraph)?

Anyway. Honestly, I didn't expect for it to be much more than a few tables of sparsely patronized organizations and food people. Actually, it was quite crowded with a bunch of vegetarian-oriented businesses, animal rights organizations, and vegetarian food vendors.  Well done, DC vegetarians. Did I get my mind blown meatless? No. But I did get this interaction, which was just about the exact thing I was hoping to avoid yet knew to expect it the entire time, and some good Indian food:

Veg Fest Person (VFP): So, are you a vegetarian?
Me (ME): No. Well, kind of.
VFP: incredulously with raised eyebrows Kind of?!
ME: Yeah, I mean I don't really buy meat for my regular diet but I make exceptions for organically raised meat (becuase it's not that they were killed but how they lived, right?), free food, and novelty food eating experiences like chinese buffets and food trucks and when I am traveling and when I am drinking and pretty much any eating experience that takes place outside of my house.
VFP: So not 'kind of', but 'not at all'?
ME: thinking: "All right, bitch, why don't you get off your high horse so I can eat it. Kidding. I would never eat a horse. Horses are beautiful and way too much meat for me to consume. Kidding again. About the too much meat part, that is. They are definitely beautiful. The real reason is I have no will power to entirely adhere to my convictions. But it turns out just enough to not punch you in the neck (this is a guy I am speaking to. I am not both an animal eater and lady hitter.). Ha yea pretty much. But I am a lot more content not trying to be perfect. I tried to go vegan once and I kept on compromising and that would just depress me, which I try to avoid doing. 
VFP: Ha all right at least you're honest.
ME: Yeah. And funny. then I walked away

Too bad animals don't get my sense of humor. Maybe that would ease their tortured lives and often gruesome deaths. Probably not, though. Oh, if only I were a strong-willed human being!

So, if you remember, last weekend we were going to go visit the Wilson House, as in President Woodrow Wilson's House, the only presidential museum in DC, if you can believe that. Turns out that was our last chance for a little while as it is now being renovated. Well, Satuday was Museum Day, according to Smithsonian so we thought we'd try out another president's house. This time Abraham Lincoln's Cottage, which is not his presidential museum but just his old DC summer house that sits adjacent to the Soldier's Home. However, I don't know why I even bothered because, shockingly/not at all, Museum Day was so popular that there weren't any tickets available for free entry to Lincoln's Cottage.

Luckily, we had planned too much for Saturday anyway so had we gone we would have been late for the tailgate to the DC United soccer game, which obviously takes precedence. Don't believe me? You decide: free entry to Lincoln's summer home or $10 for all you can eat along with free good beer and tickets? Don't even try to act like you are that big a fan of Abraham Lincoln and I won't act like I went for any reason other than the food and beer. Luckily, we (DC United) won so that wasn't a waste of time.

Oh yea, the high school reunion thing. So I have like three high school friends that live in DC. One of them plays on my roommate's soccer team (not coincidental; I knew he was good and I knew the team needed a player), so he was naturally part of the tailgate, which was for winning soccer teams. Another friend of mine is also in the same league so he was there.

After the game we decided to head up to Adams Morgan. Coincidentally, my third high school friend texted to hang out so she met up with us in Adams Morgan. (side note: do not try to find a parking spot anywhere near Adams Morgan on a Saturday night without committing to spending like $20. We had to go park at my house about a mile away and cab back. Yeah, this does not sound bad and is something that should have been recommended at first. But I don't drive in DC so I had not yet learned the disaster that is parking in Adams Morgan on a Saturday.) So there was that adorable little reunion. Then there was queso from Giant and there went Saturday.

I didn't have much planned on Sunday but that which I did, did not pan out. I was going to eat at Chipotle but, in case you didn't know, the Chipotle in Columbia Heights is part of the Smithsonian museums and is always like out the door crowded. Only part of that is false. So I had Pollo Campero instead and if you told me I was in Guatemala, from where the fried chicken establishment comes, I would have had to believe you, which was nicely nostalgic. Later I was going to go try to run a mile again but they shut the lights out in the stadium as I walked in. I didn't want my trip down to Cardozo to be for naught so I decided to go eat at Fast Gourmet, which is a gourmet sandwich place in a gas station that I hear good things about. Then I realized I didn't have my wallet with me.

And I lost in fantasy football. That was a regrettable Sunday.

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